Saturday, June 27, 2009

The break up (Story)

Papa bought this cute new Barbie for me. I was thrilled. Delighted. Overjoyed. I didnot expect that doll. He never told me she is coming. And in those days everyone knew Barbie was rare. It meant your papa reallllly loved you. That you were the favourite. Mummy had also been err mum about it. Did she know? I am sure papa must have not told her. Otherwise she would have protested. I hadn't been making my bed or doing my homework or being good. Still he didn't know or more likely he didn't care about those things. He wanted me to be happy and he got me the doll. Sumi I named it. I loved her like how much a fat chick would love a bowl of chocolate icecream on a hot Delhi afternoon. From the moment I laid eyes on her, I was smitten. I never let anyone touch her. She was mine. Mine alone. Sharing her was out of the question. And for weeks I would finish my classes, do the essentials and then play with her. Sumi and I. Quite a couple were we. I was happy. All the time.

Then one day. Suddenly she left. Papa said he gave it to Choti as choti had gotten hurt and was crying and Sumi made her feel better. There was other stuff too that he said but I never listened. I was furious and heart broken and betrayed and confused all at the same time. If you have ever been in love you would know why.
1. How dare you give her away.
2. I miss her. Please come back. Please pretty please. Some how. Please God please.
3. How could you do this to me?
4. Why did this happen? How do I get her back?

I was hysterical. Upset for days. I cried like crazy, refused to eat food, threw tantrums and yes didnot speak to my dad for a month. I was sad for a longer time after that.

Anyway 10 years later Choti the witch (or something that rhymes with that) returned Sumi to me. I looked at Sumi. She looked old but well. Her eyes still had that twinkle. As Choti left, I picked up my cell to call papa. I am sorry for Sumi episode papa. He laughed arrey you were too young. Yes papa but I am sorry and I love you. Bye.

I took Sumi and locked her in the trunk. She had no effect on me now. I was over her.

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